Creating everyday peace in our own lives, in our own relationships and in our own communities is the only
way to build national and international peace. That is our goal. It's just common sense. Focusing on peace
in our thoughts, aspirations, actions, interactions, businesses, educational systems, policies, and all other activities of the mind, body and soul is the only way to reach our goal.

Everyday peace is a spiritual reality. To create peace in one's life demands a deepening of understanding of oneself, one's role in society and one's cosmic role. Understanding is another word for love. Love for humanity has been lacking in our everyday philosophy perhaps as a result of our addiction to the worst of the news,
or our affinity for "me first" attitudes or our depression over lost hope.

We now have a window of opportunity for breakthrough into another realm that most of us have held hidden away deep inside our hearts and as children dared to dream about. The 20th century kept us all so busy.
We were so busy developing our intellect. We have been busy getting ourselves to outer space, into technological interconnectedness, busy making money and consolidating big businesses, busy dealing
with the shocking reality that we have made terrible bombs that could destroy our life on earth.

The 21st century is already demanding a different pace. We are killing innocence in the wake of our thrust toward a type of success that reeks of death, destruction and greed. Our window is wide open. The Prince
of Peace with his chosen mission stands outside our doors, waiting to be invited into our hearts, minds and everyday lives. We simply need to follow the garden steps to a new understanding of why we are here and
how we can embrace that which is the destiny of humanity. For we were conceived by Good to be the embodiment of Good, in the image of the Logos which created us, and we are blessed by this Infinite Spirit, which is the only power of the entire Universe.

This is the basic truth that is alive in our minds, bodies and souls whether we are Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Islam, Pagan, Atheist or any religion, for we are all human and can not comprehand the totality of life.

This website is designed to bridge gaps between our differing philosophies, give hope to those who have
lost it, advocate for action where there is boredom and depression, revive spiritual energy, develop
educational curricula that nurtures peace, connect the peace dots, and promote creative everyday peace practices, activities and ideas.

Do You Agree With These Values? Would you add some of your own?

Authenticity & Honesty
Human Dignity & Equality
Sustainable Energy
World Leadership
Quantum Consciousness
Compassion & Mercy
Contemplative Living
Art & Beauty, Dance & Music
Spiritual Activism
Humor & Health
Responsible Leaders
Integrity in Business
Respect for Childhood
Reverence for Innocence
PURE Water, Air, Earth, Food
Protected Wildlands & Wildlife
Social & Personal Responsibility
Common Sense
Enlightened Education
Generosity & Forgiveness
Waste Not, Want Not
Good Work, Fair Wages
Awakening From Addiction
Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself
Know Thyself
Gender Harmony
Meditation & Prayer
Joy & Celebration
Worship & Devotion
True Democracy
Respect for Elder Wisdom
Add your own ...

This is an Interfaith site.
People of all faiths are welcome and honored here including those who are seeking faith.

Based on what we have learned on our lifetime spiritual quest and what scientists have explained to us about Quantum Physics, we have proven that the world around us reflects our thoughts and beliefs. Form follows thought. Thus we must think the highest and best thoughts, and entertain the beliefs that we want to
manifest in cellular form. This is the ultimate creativity.

Now is the perfect time to consciously design and manifest our divine destiny, an inclusive Dynamic Peace
on Earth. This is the ultimate talent.

No predictions, no opportunists, no deception, no misuse of the sacred books, no organization can deflect
the Truth of the Human Race. We are made in the image (imagination) of the All Good Universal Creative Force, Brahma, Allah, God, Goddess, Jehovah, Tao.

There is only one Power and It is Good. We humans are individualizations of the One Good Spirit.
Thus we are in our essence good. We are grateful for this. So be it.